
We offer a wide range of services. Read below for more details.

Dog Walking

We offer several dog walking plans to accommodate your busy lifestyle. From the occasional potty break to a daily exercise walk we have you covered.

Every walk will include making sure your pet has food/water, making sure your pet is comfortable back in its home, and a doggy treat (if OK with you).

We can also send you a picture of your best friend after the walk via email or MMS message so you can see how much they miss you.

Visit our Pricing Page for our rates.

Pet Sitting

Going out of town? Can’t take your pet, yet you hate the idea of having to lock them up at a kennel?

No problem! We can take care of your pet and they never have to leave the comfort of their home. Your pet is already going to be stressed out by your absence. Why make them even more upset by leaving them in a strange place?

Most pets will handle your absence far better if they are permitted to stay in their normal routine.